Friday, December 21, 2007
But, first I'll catch up on where I am now. I'm making this brief because I just wrote this and lost it once already. Anyways, I'm in Siem Reap, Cambodia where you can find the stunning ruins of Angkor Wat. Just got in tonight after taking a12-hour overnight train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, then taking an early morning bus from Bangkok to the border and finally taking a bus from the border of Cambodia to Siem Reap. But, that last bus ride was more than 8 hours for just 150 km. The road in Cambodia is dirt, full of pits, crags and gashes. We bounced all over the place for nearly 9 hours straight. Crazy. Dry dusty roads. Wet soggy marshlands. People living in stilted shacks. Then... bam. Paved roads and five star hotels that cost $1000 a night (simply outrageous... I'm staying at a place for $6 a night). I'm traveling with an English bloke I met on the trek. We were planning on "jogging over to the Cambodian beachs," since it's the high season and the Thai beaches are insanely busy. Jog... ha. Anyway. We're finally in Siem Reap. Will check out the ruins. Then head down to Phnom Penh and finally to the beach at Sihanoukville.
I guess my plans are still to do what I came to do... get to everest. But, instead of hiking to base camp (which i've heard is just the world's highest dump), I'll do a trek to Goa. It's higher than base camp and gives an absolutely fantastic and unobstructed view of Mt. Everest. Fellow American clued me in to all this during the Cambodia travels...
Monday, December 10, 2007
Trading Bells and Chimes for Gongs and Bongs.
I need to get more pics up for this one... but this is a pic of Moritz, Peter and I.
This Christmas market in
Bottom Surfing in the Austrian Alps
This is written so poorly... but... you get the gist.
It’s cliché, but really… the Austrian Alps are breathtaking. Julian and Maria had driven through the night… I was going on just a few hours of sleep… throughout the drive we were all struggling to stay awake in a sleep-deprived delirium… but when those jagged points in the horizon became looming peaks, which seemed to be just an arm’s length away… our excitement fed a new energy. As our car crept further along the winding roads that led deep into the mountains, I really couldn’t believe that I was there. Of course, I’m such a cornball and I had to start singing my version of the Sound of Music soundtrack.
Julian and Maria kept laughing at my child-like amazement: “Wow! This is… wow… I can’t believe… wow!... it’s so beautiful! C’mon… how?... why?... this is awesome!”
Antonia’s mom (Antonia is Maria’s friend), promptly fed us. Salad, liver soup and weinerschnitzle… a traditional Austrian meal! After the meal, we packed up and headed to Antonia’s little apartment. Where she lives actually isn’t so little. It used to be a school and two of the rooms have been converted into her own little apartment. She has relatives that live just across the hall in their apartment… at least, so I’ve been told. I never saw them once! I did hear them though… The schoolhouse set up means the guestbedroom for Julian, Maria and I was actually a classroom turned bedroom upstairs. It was quite cold at first… since, obviously they don’t heat the whole building because they’re not using the whole building. A space heater made the room a little warmer though (that is… when Julian didn’t turn it off!)… and Antonia supplied us with huge, thick comforters and soft fuzzy blankets. I’ll admit… the first night I crashed out on the sofa actually in Antonia’s apartment – it’s heated much more regularly and is quite toasty.
But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Before I crashed on Antonia’s couch that first night… we all went out for drinks at a bar that’s literally next door. I tried a traditional Austrian drink… again can’t remember what it’s called (I seriously need to write these things down), but it was a mix of white wine and soda water. Unfortunately, I started crashing at the bar… I was feeling exhausted. After everyone chatted a bit (save me… I was kind of a zombie), we headed to a club. I slept on the way there… which was probably a good 15 to 20 minute nap. The rest of the night at the club I was either way up or way down…. Dance dance dancing or ready to fall over my own feet I was so tired. Finally, at about midnight… Antonia took Maria, Julian and I back to her place… but, then she went back out with her other friends.
The next day we were all extremely antsy to hit the local ski resort. Everyone was so patient though as Antonia and I searched high and low for a way to get me online so I could send in some work that was up against a deadline. After several issues with the server, it worked thanks to Antonia’s friend! She was such a lifesaver and she made the rest of my day out on the slopes more enjoyable because she helped take care of the work, which would have stressed me out if it didn’t get sent. Again, so thankful for her help!
So yeah, I then suddenly found myself at the very top of this mountain, with snowboard in hand… having no clue how to use it. I’ve been skiing before… but the last time was at least three years ago… and that was at puny Hidden Valley (there’s one small slope there). The last time I had been skiing on a mountain… sheesh… it must have been at least seven years ago if not more.
So I just went for it… and fell… and struggled to get up with my feet attached to each other… and fell… struggled to get up with my feet attached to each other…. and fell… struggled to get up with my feet attached to each other… and then… I stayed up!... for about two minutes… then I fell. Then I stayed up!... for about 5 minutes… then I fell. But, at that point I was managing to snowboard more than I fell. And I actually had periods where I was really getting the hang of it… but just as I got all cocky confident… I would wipe out again. I wiped out bad twice in a row… ooooowww, my bum really hurt. That shook my confidence bad and I couldn’t stay up for more than 10 seconds, falling incessantly, for about 10 minutes straight. I had gotten the hang of it… and then suddenly I lost it!! Skiers and snowboarders were laughing at me as the whizzed past… within centimeters. That frustrated me. Antonia was helping us all along the way… being so incredibly patient.
I was so grateful for that! We all decided to take a break at a lodge about midway down the mountain and eat. I had pancake soup (called something like Fritatten). It was… interesting. ; )
Then, back to the slopes. It took me about five to ten minutes to get the feel for it again… I was falling incessantly… again. But, then I got it… again. By then, it was nearing closing time at the ski resort so we had to head back down the rest of the mountain. Except, the only route we could take a lift to was a blue slope. Ah, perfect for a beginner such as myself. But, the entire way down I only wiped out three times! Now… I was certainly no pro. I haven’t learned to make an s-turn yet… so I could only steer with my left foot forward or turn my board sideways to slow down. But, I did snowboard! It was awesome! Now, I’m hooked. Next winter, I MUST live near the slopes so I can get my snowboard game on!!!!
The next day Julian and I wanted to hit the slopes again… but they were closed due to a big storm higher on the peaks. So, we had a great lunch in a famous resort town, Kihtzbul. Maria and Antonia had stayed behind to go shopping. The rest of the afternoon and evening we all just chilled out… holed up in our Austrian Alps retreat. I kept gushing thanks to Maria, Antonia and Julian for making this amazingly awesome trip a surprise reality for me… It was good times!
I didn’t think it could get any better or that these guys could do anything else for me… they had already done so much! But, then Maria and Julian informed me they would go ahead and drive me to Salzburg so I could get a cheaper train from there to my next stop: Graz. Maria also set me up with a discount card that gives you 50 percent off any train ticket to anywhere in Austria and 25 percent off any ticket from a neighboring country and back. The amount I saved on the first ticket paid for the cost of the discount card… so just with my first ticket, the discount card had paid for itself. I would have never known about it if it weren’t for Maria. Maria’s nonchalant generosity and help is just stunning. She’s an incredible woman.
So yeah, we made it to Salzburg (I sang in the car the entire way… the soundtrack to the Sound of Music and Disney songs from Beauty and the Beast, the Little Mermaid and Aladdin. Julian and Maria were really good sports and just laughed at my childish joy… they didn’t complain about my singing. What troopers!) From there I caught a train to Graz… but now without my new poster that Julian slid down the car of the train to me as a last minute surprise, he jumping off, as the train moved away from the platform. I had no clue what was going on… but had to laugh when I pulled the poster out of the tube and saw that it was the Sound of Music. Julian loves to do things like that… what a quality to have! The Sound of Music was shot in Salzburg… and I must come back to go on the tour!
But, in the meantime, I managed to become friends with the chief of the train to Graz. We shared a beer, stories of fusbol (soccer) and philosophies on life. Then, he drove me from the train station to my host’s house… the house of a woman in Graz, Austria. I had made arrangements even before the start of this whole travel adventure to stay with the woman, Claudia, and her daughter, Lisa. The trade off was free lodging for an extended period of time in exchange for exposing Lisa to English and watching her occasionally from time to time.
The plan was to stay with Claudia for about two weeks… and see how things went for both of us. I would then go travel around Europe more, visit a few friends for a couple weeks… and if things worked out with Claudia, Lisa and I… I would come back and stay longer.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Snug as a Bug in Saarbrucken

Then, Moritz arrived. He saw me and looked relieved. He had been waiting at the train station for an hour! I felt so terrible that we missed each other… he thought my train arrived 20 minutes later than it did, so we must have just missed each other. After chatting and sipping wine a bit longer we all decided to go out and celebrate the birthday of Dirk’s friend, a bartender at one of the restaurant’s Dirk works at. At midnight we left for the local Irish Pub and already I was loving this city. It’s basically the German version of Columbia, MO.

I didn’t officially meet Jean and get to wish him a happy birthday until everyone was taking off to head to another bar – the bar both Dirk and Jean work at. Jean and I talked a bit before the group took off. He spoke English incredibly well, but he did live in the states for several years. He urged me and the rest of our group to head to the next bar… so we finished off our drinks and headed out.
It was a little quieter at the next bar and it was a much smaller group. It was mostly just the close friends of Jean. The place was open so late just because it was Jean’s birthday. Moritz and I talked and shared laughs and drinks… but, it wasn’t long before the music had me involuntarily bouncing to the beat. I can’t help but dance when I hear the beat! At first, I was the only one dancing, but then Dirk’s girlfriend joined in…

That night Moritz and I went grocery shopping and cooked an easy, but scrumptious spaghetti dinner. Well, Moritz cooked. I ate. I did buy the groceries though. Then, we watched a film that Moritz actually filmed and helped put together about a German cruise that goes up to Iceland. Wow… some of the images were so incredible. That’s one of the major reasons I was attracted to Moritz’s profile… he’s into all that gearhead, filming and graphics stuff like I am. I was rather impressed by his work from the cruise. What a gig!
By then, Moritz and I had fallen into an easy rhythm… as if we’d always been close friends, knowing when to get each other pumped or when to just relax. Moritz’s company was cozy and comfortable, just like Saarbrucken.

After the visit from Santa Claus, I left Thilo to go back to Moritz’s so he could escort me to his friend’s place… and I could join them for a game of indoor soccer!!! It’s been months, literally months, since I’ve played and I was soooo excited to get back at it again! I knew I’ve been lugging around those soccer shoes for a reason! I was actually surprised the guys let me c

When I got back to Moritz’s I had to jump in the shower and get ready for another night out. We had plans to meet up with some of Moritz’s friends and meet up with Thilo, his girlfriend and s

Thilo and I took it easy that evening, cooking, chatting with roommates, playing poker and watching The Wedding Crashers. Just enjoying each other’s silliness like we did back when were both living in Columbia, MO. During the evening I also found out that Julian and Maria (remember them from Holland?) would be heading to Austria to go skiing… and that they were going to come through Saarbrucken to pick me up and take me with them. So, my couple nights crashing at Thilo’s got cut short… and I was bummed about that… but how could I pass up a free ride into Austria (which is where I was headed to next), stopping for a couple of nights in the Alps to try my hand at snowboarding?? Well, yeah. I couldn’t pass that up. Not to mention I would be taking the trip with Julian and Maria. So, what a last minute surprise! And at about five in the morning I was on the road with those two… headed for the slopes!
So About That Parisian Magic...

Loic is going to change the world. What am I talking about. He already is changing the world. He surrounds himself with people who are going to change the world… hence, he hosted me. ; ) I’m kidding. I’d like to think I will have a part in changing the world though. If I surround myself with more people like Loic, I’m confident I will.
Loic met me at one of the many train stations in Paris on a bright and sunny November afternoon. He greeted me with a radiant smile that lights his entire face. First, we hiked back to his apartment, with my ridiculously American amount of luggage in tow. There I met Loic’s roommates Juan and Karim. The apartment is nothing more than two small bedrooms, a tiny little hallway, a small bathroom and a tiny kitchen. Loic ushered my luggage into one of the small bedrooms, explaining this would be my room. He, Juan and Karim would all share the other bedroom while I was visiting. Incredible. Not only did they offer practically half the apartment for my sole use, they did it in a way that you really could believe it was no trouble, that it was honestly their pleasure.

We shared stories and then, it was time to share more adventures. We went to go meet some of Loic’s friends at a crowded and quite smoky, typical French bar.

****and then I arrived in Saarbrucken, Germany and fell in love with its genuinely local and rustic Christmas spirit before making last minute plans to hitch a ride with Julian and Maria on their way down from Holland to Austria.

The next day Loic had to head to work early… while I got to hibernate in my own room and recover from the previous night. That’s also when I was finally able to finish writing about Den Haag and catch up with friends, emails and work online. I did eventually rouse myself enough to emerge from my room and join Karim and Juan in their room. But, that day we were all internet addicts, each of us slaves to our computers.

Of course, losing my wallet, finding my wallet, and celebrating its recovery made me very late for my appointment with that fellow couchsurfer. When Loic and I were finally nearing the place where we were to meet, we called the cser and he wasn’t too happy. Learning we were still about 10 mins away he decided to call it all off and go home. I felt really bad about it all… it took me awhile to get over it. In the meantime though, Loic and I munched on traditional French crepes and got to stop and witness the magnificence of Notre Dame by moonlight. Talk about a consolation prize.

So many people asked… why Saarbrucken? Why Thilo of course! Thilo is a friend whom I absolutely adore. I met him while I was living in Columbia, MO and working in Jefferson City, MO and he was studying at Mizzou as an exchange student. I was actually heading Thilo’s way a bit early though… he is extremely busy with his master’s thesis and with a full course load of classes. We planned a visit for the weekend… but I had a few extra days to kill, so I arranged a surf in Saarbrucken for a few days before I would meet Thilo…
More on the cozy comfort of Saarbrucken to come…