Saturday, April 14, 2007

He Will Deliver...

As I've been praying to God for Him to lead me to where he wants to use me next... He's provided an answer to my prayers! I've been feeling compelled to travel and explore foreign places and cultures for as long as I can remember. Already, I've been blessed to visit so many wonderful places and encounter so many people, cultures and experiences. I've grown from each one of them. But, the more I travel the more I feel called to include more in those travels. For the past several years I've felt called to serve through travel. I've explored various options such as the military, the Peace Corps and others. I'm still strongly considering them... but, God has opened up another opportunity that I'm very excited about! My previous youth group leader has invited me to join her and her ministry in a mission trip to Tijuana the last week of July. We will be visiting a very poor community, offering whatever help we can and we will be sharing the truths about God and Christ. I think this trip will be particularly interesting in light of the growing controversy over immigration from Mexico to the U.S. It'll be interesting to hear the stories of those struggling just across our border.

An added bonus is I'll be working with my former youth leader to film our trip. I'm very excited about this! One of my biggest goals is to film a documentary and this trip will most certainly let me try my hand at documentary filming. I'm not looking for anything spectacular... just the chance to get my feet wet and see what I might come up with.

This opportunity is an absolute answer to my prayers... and as I said before.... I am eager to be God's faithful servant! I'll be compiling information on Tijuana as I find it.

Less than 20 miles south of downtown San Diego lies the world's busiest port of entry -
the international border crossing between San Ysidro, CA and Tijuana, Mexico.

1 comment:

Jeronimo Nisa said...

Congratulations, Principessa!
That sounds like an incredible opportunity!