Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Crazy Dream

I woke up rather early this morning and had time to go back to sleep... so I did. The dream that ensued during that extra sleep was rather weird. You're all going to think I'm crazy:

I dreamt that I was visiting my family at home where I grew up. It was a wonderful summer day, my mom, D and I were outside and most of the neighbors were outside as well. Then, suddenly, a militant group barreled onto our quiet, peaceful suburban street out of nowhere. Immediately, young soldiers filed off their big jeeps, machine guns in hand, and scattered to various houses putting the residents at gunpoint. My family was corned into our garage, though fortunately my little brother and sister were inside. Just my mom, D and I were outside. The higher-ranked, older soldiers stayed on their transports while the young ones were charging at the residents. The soldier putting my fam and I at gunpoint was outwardly nervous... trembling, sweating profusely. I went to hit the button to the garage to shut it thinking it would lock us off from the other militants, then we could charge the nervous one with us and try to disarm him. But D went to hit the button again and reopened the garage, making us vulnerable to all the other militants again. I couldn't fathom why. (Again dream here). We were all crouched down hiding behind things, but "our" militant pretty much had his gun trained on my mom. I was getting more and more angered about that and after a few moments I simply got up from where I was crouching and walked toward "our" nervous militant. He immediately turned his machine gun on me. Then I just started talking to him, telling him he didn't want to do this and to put the gun down. He just kept looking more and more nervous. D and my mom were yelling at me to get away... I was simply attempting to draw the gun toward myself as opposed to anyone else. Then a whistle blew and the various militants scattered at the different households grabbed all the young adults and kids and hauled them off to the jeeps. I was one of them. They left all the parents behind. Jake and Serena escaped because they were inside and no one went in. So, we were hauled onto these jeeps and taken away. We were apparently being taken away to be sold in the foreign slave trade.

Then my dream cut to a scene where we were traveling in a location I couldn't place... at night. All of the young captives were wide-eyed, frightened, crouched and lip-locked... except me. The only militants that interacted with us really were the young ones. I started talking to one of them asking why there were doing this... response from one leisurely puffing on his cig, machine gun slung over his back was along the lines of "Easy way to get lots of cash, the world is facing deadly rebellion, America is a major target, American slaves are popular because there is such a hatred for Americans..." so he figured he'd get in on the deal before he became a captive himself. He said the trend for American abductions on American turf was becoming more and more of a reality every day. I don't remember giving much of a response. I just remember thinking I had to try and become more of an actual person with these young militants instead of just another captive... develop a rapport with them... make them sort of trust me. So I started chatting with them, joking with them, "shooting the shit" so to speak. The other captives, most younger than me, some my age, all looked at me like I was nuts and a traitor for cavorting with the enemy. They all just kept their mouths shut... scared. I was thinking though, that the moment they let their guard down with me I was going to be ready to stab the suckers and make my getaway. We were then taken to this factory warehouse, no idea where, where there were other rebels, including some girls. Already, the young militants were getting more lax with me and enjoyed toying/joking with me. They turned their back for a second when I drifted behind when we were being shuffled off the jeeps. There was a stack of mail in a corner on a dirty crate with a letter opener. I went to grab it and hide it on my person, but when I looked up I saw they were giving all the captives pat downs before they boarded them on a plane. I dropped the letter opener knowing they'd find it and got at the end of the line. One other captive saw me and started to understand what I was up to... I got my pat down (letter opener free unfortunately) and proceeded with the others toward the plane. The captive that saw me started sticking with me and joining in on chatting with the young militants...

Then my alarm meant to wake me for Spanish class went off... and my dream was cut short. I woke up thinking "what the heck? And what makes me think I would have such courage." Very odd, detailed dream. I mentioned it to a friend... he said if anything else it's a good plot line for a movie: slave trade kidnappings in everyday America - the land of opportunity. Once he said it, I thought so too... hence why I wanted to get it all down before I forgot.

Just in case you all think I'm crazy though... I've never had a dream like that before... so I'm just beginning to go crazy... I wasn't already crazy or anything. :) Don't steal my script!


Jeronimo Nisa said...

the amzing thing is that you can actually remember all that...

Laura said...

yea... I know... that was the other weird thing about the dream... usually I forget them almost instantaneously

Anonymous said...

Weird, hmmmm, something to ponder the way, did you eat sugary cereal before you went back to bed? Whenever I do that, I have strange, vivid dreams....
Aunt E
By the way...thought of you tonite, we went to Kareoke with Chris, Brian, Denise, Katy, you would have had fun...Katy and Denise sing so beautifully, but I missed the boat on that I sang Ding Dong The Witch is a munchkin voice