Monday, February 11, 2008

Local Lao Fishing

First evening back in Vang Vieng was back to bliss. I caught up with Joee and she had managed to snag some tents on the little island in the river in Vang Vieng. Sweet! Nothing sounded better than camping in this beautiful, laid-back city. Unfortunately, I had already reserved a guesthouse so I would have to wait on the camping until the next night. But, Joee’s surprises didn’t stop at camping. She had also managed to arrange a little fishing session with a local. How fun! Mr. Pan taught us how two people take a local Lao fishing net and drag it across the bottom of the riverbed to collect shrimp, small fish and other edible bugs. The net is strung between two bamboo poles… and drag. There were four of us learning Mr. Pan’s local Lao technique. After, we caught about a kilo and half of assorted water critters, Mr. Pan’s wife fried them up and served them to us with slices of cabbage, ginger and chives. Talk about fresh! I’m not going to lie though. I only ate one shrimp and one small fish from the whole water critter medley. Sorry, but I’m not a big fan of bottom-feeders. It was such a fun experience though!

**Pic from Joee**

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